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  Arosemena, Juan Demóstenes
NameJuan Demóstenes Arosemena
, , Panama
Born June 24, 1879
Died December 16, 1939 (60 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 14, 2024 07:38pm
InfoArosemena (Barreati), Juan Demóstenes (b. June 24, 1879, Panama City - d. Dec. 16, 1939, Penonomé, Coclé province, Panama), president of Panama (1936-39); brother of Florencio Harmodio Arosemena. He served as governor of Colón and then as foreign minister for seven years. As foreign minister he headed the Panama delegation to the Pan-American Conference at Montevideo in 1933. He also was one of the leaders in a movement in Panama for a new treaty with the U.S. to replace the one of 1903 under which the Panama Canal had been started. In 1936 he was elected president as the coalition candidate of the National Revolutionary, National Liberal, and Conservative parties. In 1939 he won for Panama a position of "joint responsibility" with the U.S. in maintaining the safety of the Panama Canal when the U.S. finally ratified a new treaty (signed in 1936), which provided for consultation with the government of Panama before the U.S. could send troops into the country. Arosemena gave assurances that there would be no weakening of the defenses of the canal. In September 1939 he was host at a gathering of 21 ministers of American republics at Panama City to discuss the effects of the European war on the Western Hemisphere. After the adoption of the Declaration of Panama, Arosemena was selected to send formal notification to Britain, France, and Germany of the establishment of a neutral sea safety zone around the Americas. Arosemena set the keynote for the conference with a vigorous denunciation of totalitarianism in government and suggested "America for Humanity" as a motto of the gathering. He died in office.


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  10/01/1936 Panama President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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