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  Adams, Justin C.
NameJustin C. Adams
St. Louis Park, Minnesota , United States
Born April 08, 1979
Died Still Living (45 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Apr 12, 2024 01:22pm
InfoJustin C. Adams, b. 1979 St. Louis Park, MN. 1997-2000, University of Minnesota, history, political philosophy. Married to Becky Phetteplace, 2005, Thunder Bay Ontario. Two cats. 2000-2003, experience as an administrative assistant, both to a public school financing director and to a team within a large mortgage lending company. 2003-2005, full-time administrative assistant for physician group practice, working with healthcare facilities, insurers, and government agencies to facilitate compliance with applicable regulations. 2005-Present, health insurance claims analyst. $31,140, the salary for a State Representative, would be highest salary to date.

Voting history (president/governor) by year: 04 Kerry (D), 02 Pentel (G), 00 Gore (D), 98 Ventura (RP), 96 supported Dole (R) when 17. Endorsed by ARP and NORML. Applied for endorsement with both NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota and MCCL.

Not a member of any party, petitioning for ballot access. First time candidate, no contributions over $100 accepted. By electing someone without party ties, our district will have better representation in state government.

Our district has not been well represented or served by elected officials of either major party. The party caucuses which control the legislative process serve the interests of each national party. Both national parties interests lay with their own most economically successful members and districts, because the parties rely on these individuals to bring their candidates to a mass audience. The result is little or no representation for most citizens and great representation for the few wealthiest. Interest groups tend to exacerbate the problem by dividing most citizens into two or more factions. The two parties make use of these interest groups to create a division within the many to the benefit of the few.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/07/2006 MN House Seat 58A Lost 5.60% (-70.06%)
MN US President - Nov 02, 2004 D John F. Kerry
MN Governor - Nov 05, 2002 ED Ken Pentel
MN US President - Nov 07, 2000 D Al Gore
MN Governor - Nov 03, 1998 ? Jesse Ventura
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