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  Lay, Kenneth Lee "Ken"
NameKenneth Lee "Ken" Lay
Houston, Texas , United States
Born April 15, 1942
Died July 05, 2006 (64 years)
Last ModifedScott³
Jul 05, 2006 05:31pm
InfoOfficial bio [Link] ...
"Birth Date and Place:
April 15, 1942; Tyrone, Missouri

University of Missouri – Bachelor of Arts (Honors), Economics (1964)
Master of Arts, Economics (1965)

University of Houston – Doctor of Philosophy, Economics (1970)
Ph.D. Thesis: The Measurement of the Timing of the Economic Impact of Defense Procurement Activity: An Analysis of the Vietnam Buildup

Education Honors:
Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Omicron Delta Epsilon and Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities

Business Summary:
1965 – 1968 Exxon Co., U.S.A. – Economist, Corporate Planning Department

1968 – 1971 United States Navy – Ensign; Lieutenant Junior Grade; Lieutenant; Deputy Director, (Research), Department of Defense Special Study Group on Defense Contractor Constructive Delivery (Accrual Accounting Implementation), Special Assistant to the Navy Comptroller and Financial Analyst, Office of Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management), Department of the Navy, the Pentagon. Received Navy Commendation Medal and National Defense Service Medal.

1970 – 1973 George Washington University – Assistant Professor (Evening Graduate Courses in Micro- and Macro-Economics)

1971 – 1972 Federal Power Commission (Currently Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) – Technical Assistant to Commissioner and Vice Chairman

1972 – 1974 United States Department of Interior – Deputy Under Secretary (Energy)

1974 – 1979 Florida Gas Company – Vice President, Corporate Development; Senior Vice President, President, Florida Gas Transmission Company

1979 – 1981 Continental Group – Executive Vice President; Continental Resources Company (Formerly Florida Gas Company) – President

1981 – 1984 Transco Energy Company – President, Chief Operating Officer and Director

1984 – 1985 Houston Natural Gas Co. – Chairman, CEO and Director

1985 – 1986 Enron Corp. – President, Chief Operating Officer, CEO, and Director

1986 – 2002 Enron Corp. – Chairman, CEO and Director

2002 – 2004 Lay Interests LLC – President
Family Status:
Married to Linda Phillips Lay, five children and twelve grandchildren

Military Service:
Officer, United States Navy
– Navy Commendation Medal
– National Defense Service Medal"

Enron Scandal
Excerpted from Wikipedia...
"On July 7, 2004, Lay was indicted by a grand jury in Houston, Texas, for his role in Enron's collapse. Lay was charged, in a 65-page indictment, with 11 counts of securities fraud, wire fraud, and making false and misleading statements. The trial commenced on January 30, 2006, in Houston, despite repeated protests from defense attorneys calling for a change of venue on the grounds that that "it was impossible to get a fair trial in Houston – the epicenter of Enron's collapse. Enron's bankruptcy, the biggest in U.S. history when it was filed in December 2001, cost 4,000 employees their jobs and many of them their life savings. Investors lost billions."[2] During his trial, Lay claimed that in 2001 Enron stock made up about 90 percent of his wealth, and that his current net worth (in 2006) was in the negative by $250,000. He insisted that Enron's collapse was due to a "conspiracy" waged by short sellers, rogue executives, and the news media.[9] It was reported that Lay's congenial reputation took a blow as he appeared confrontational and irritable at several points during his testimony. [10] On May 25, 2006, Lay was found guilty on all six counts of conspiracy and fraud by a jury of eight women and four men. In a separate bench trial, Judge Lake ruled Lay was guilty of four counts of fraud and false statements. Sentencing was scheduled to take place on October 23, 2006 at 1 p.m."

"While vacationing in Colorado on July 5, 2006, Kenneth Lay suffered a massive coronary heart attack. The Pitkin Sheriff’s Department confirmed that officers were called to Lay’s house in Old Snowmass, Colorado, near Aspen at 1:41 AM MDT (3:41 AM EDT). He was taken to Aspen Valley Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 3:11 AM MDT. According to various news outlets, the apparent cause of death was a massive heart attack."

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 18, 2006 09:00pm Legal Ruling Judge Revokes Lay's Conviction  Article RP 
Jul 12, 2006 05:10pm Event Ken Lay's memorial attracts power elite  Article RP 
Jul 06, 2006 05:00pm News Experts see Lay's death erasing conviction  Article Thomas Walker 

TX District 25 - Runoff - Dec 10, 1996 R Dolly Madison McKenna
TX District 18 - D Primary - Mar 08, 1994 D Sheila Jackson Lee
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