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  Hayden, Bill
NameBill Hayden
Ipswich, Queensland , Australia
Born January 23, 1933
Died October 21, 2023 (90 years)
ContributorKarma Policeman
Last ModifedRBH
Oct 21, 2023 02:22pm
Tags Atheist - Secular Humanist -
InfoFormer Governor-General of Australia (1989-1996), the Honorable Bill Hayden, AC, KSJ.

Mr Hayden, who holds a Bachelor of Economics from UQ, was educated at Brisbane State High School and served as a Queensland police officer from 1953 until 1961.

In 1961, he was elected to the House of Representatives representing the Federal Division of Oxley, Queensland, holding the seat until his retirement from Parliament in 1988.

He was a member of the Opposition Shadow Ministry from 1976 until 1983 and during the Whitlam Government, was Minister for Social Security (1972-1975) and Treasurer in 1975. From December 1977 until February 1983, Mr Hayden was the Leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP).

During the Hawke Government, Mr Hayden was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1983 and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade in 1987, remaining in this position until his retirement from Parliament.

Mr Hayden has been a cattle farmer in the Brisbane Valley since 1996 and was voted Australian Humanist of the Year the same year.

He has received many awards and honours including Chancellor of the Order of Australia (1989); the Prior Order St John Australia; and the Gwanghwa Medal of the Korean Order of Diplomatic Merit.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  02/16/1989 Governor General of Australia Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/11/1987 Qld MP - Oxley Won 64.86% (+29.73%)
  12/01/1984 Qld MP - Oxley Won 63.03% (+26.06%)
  03/11/1983 AUS Minister for Foreign Affairs Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/16/1982 ALP Parliamentary Leader Won 53.16% (+6.33%)
  10/18/1980 AUS Prime Minister Lost 40.80% (-18.40%)
  12/22/1977 ALP Parliamentary Leader Won 56.25% (+12.50%)
  12/22/1977 AUS Leader of the Opposition Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/30/1977 ALP Parliamentary Leader Lost 48.39% (-3.23%)
  06/06/1975 AUS Treasurer Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
(1999) Title 1: Constitutional Alteration (Republic) - Nov 06, 1999 N Against
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