Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | David D. Phelps |
Address | Eldorado, Illinois , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
October 26, 1947 |
Died |
Still Living
(77 years) |
Contributor | eddy 9_99 |
Last Modifed | Juan Croniqueur Feb 13, 2024 09:21pm |
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Baptist -
Info | Full name: David Dwain Phelps
David Phelps is a native and life-long resident of Eldorado, Illinois. His deep roots in the Southern Illinois region led him to become involved in his local community through civic, church, and school activities. Phelps graduated from Southern Illinois University with a degree in Social Studies. He became a public school teacher and assistant principal with the Harrisburg School District.
Phelps is also lead singer for the Phelps Brothers Quartet, a gospel group that has achieved nationwide acclaim. He is an accomplished professional songwriter who has written for many artists, including the Oak Ridge Boys.
In 1980, Phelps was appointed to fill an unexpired term as Clerk and Recorder of Saline County. He was subsequently elected to a full term in 1982. Phelps shocked the Illinois political establishment by defeating a veteran Republican state representative in 1984. Since then, he has become a dominant political leader in Southern Illinois, and an outspoken party leader. Among his civic accomplishments was an effort that successfully organized the local business community to attract a poultry processing company--and about 1200 jobs--to Southern Illinois.
A forceful voice for economic development, traditional values, and improvement of rural services, Phelps had a distinguished record of accomplishment in the state legislature. He chaired the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee and was Vice Chair of Health Care Availability and Access, Insurance, Prison Management, and Personnel and Pensions Committees.
As chair of the Health Care Committee, Phelps earned statewide praise for highlighting the health care challenges of rural Illinois communities. He authored the Rural Health Initiative, which identified medically under served areas of the state and provided millions for expansion of services. Phelps also helped pass the landmark Coal Scrubber legislation, which saved thousands of jobs in Southern Illinois.
Phelps is a fiscally conservative, pro-jobs, socially traditional Democrat. He has earned strong bi-partisan support, winning his statehouse re-election campaigns with an average of 60.5% of the vote. In November, 1998 Phelps soundly defeated his Republican opponent, Brent Winters 58% -42%.
David Phelps and his wife, Leslie, a public school teacher, live in Eldorado and attend the Star General Baptist Church. They have four children and one grandchild.
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