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  Dayton, Jonathan
NameJonathan Dayton
Elizabethtown, New Jersey , United States
Born October 16, 1760
Died October 09, 1824 (64 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedRBH
Jul 22, 2015 05:37pm
InfoDAYTON, Jonathan, (son of Elias Dayton), a Delegate, a Representative, and a Senator from New Jersey; born in Elizabethtown (now Elizabeth), N.J., October 16, 1760; graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) in 1776; studied law; admitted to the bar; during the Revolutionary War served in the Third and later the Second New Jersey Regiment of the Continental Army 1776-1783, attaining the rank of captain; taken prisoner at Elizabethtown, N.J., and later exchanged; member, State general assembly 1786-1787, 1790, and served as speaker in 1790; delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention in 1787 and signed the Constitution; Delegate to the Continental Congress 1787-1788; member, State council 1790; elected to the Second and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1791-March 3, 1799); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fourth and Fifth Congresses); chairman, Committee on Elections (Third Congress); was not a candidate for renomination in 1798, having become a candidate for the United States Senate; elected as a Federalist to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1799, to March 3, 1805; was arrested in 1807 on the charge of conspiring with Aaron Burr in treasonable projects; subsequently released and never brought to trial; member, New Jersey assembly 1814-1815; died in Elizabethtown, N.J., October 9, 1824; interment in a vault in St. John’s Churchyard; the city of Dayton, Ohio, was named for him.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  10/15/1806 NJ At-Large Lost 0.73% (-14.19%)
  10/17/1803 President Pro Tempore Lost 6.90% (-75.86%)
  12/14/1802 President Pro Tempore Lost 5.88% (-47.06%)
  01/02/1799 NJ US Senate Won 54.17% (+8.33%)
  05/15/1797 Speaker of the House Won 97.50% (+95.00%)
  01/11/1797 NJ At-Large Won 15.76% (+5.33%)
  12/07/1795 US Speaker of the House Won 58.23% (+18.99%)
  12/30/1794 NJ At-Large Won 13.61% (+2.64%)
  10/09/1792 NJ At-Large Won 13.36% (-2.94%)
  01/26/1791 NJ At-Large Won 13.75% (+0.00%)
  02/11/1789 NJ At-Large Lost 9.86% (-10.08%)
  12/31/1787 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/31/1786 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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