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  Bond, Michael
NameMichael Bond
Address42 N. Barron Blvd.
Grayslake, Illinois 60030, United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedCraverguy
Jul 11, 2009 05:52am
Tags Caucasian - Married - Christian - Straight -
InfoState Senator Michael Bond’s first campaign for public office was in 2005, when he was elected to the Board of Education for Woodland School District 50, the largest elementary school in Lake County and the 5th largest school in the state of Illinois at that time.

In 2006, Bond was elected to represent the 31st State Senate District in Chicago’s northern suburbs, a district that had not elected a Democrat in generations. Bond outperformed the typical Democratic performance of 44% by 7 points to defeat his Republican opponent.

As a member of the Illinois Senate, Bond has been a fiscal conservative, social moderate and strong environmentalist. He has been a vocal critic of state budget practices and has fought for budget accountability and transparency.

Bond has focused on issues that affect the quality of life of suburban families, such tax fairness, transportation and education, as well as economic development, renewable energy and veterans’ issues. He has supported efforts to improve government accountability and clean-up Springfield. Bond is Chair of the Telecommunications & Technology Committee and Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee.

Prior to his 2006 election, Bond served as a Director of Corporate Finance at Northbrook, Illinois-based Allstate Insurance Company. Bond joined Allstate in 1995 as an Associate Financial Analyst. He earned eight promotions in his first eight years with the company, and was eventually promoted to Director in 2003 at the age of 33.

Over the past 14 years, he has held various finance and budgeting positions with an emphasis in strategic planning, forecasting, risk management, valuation and negotiation. He has a BA in Economics from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and an MBA from Roosevelt University in Chicago.

Bond is a member of St. Joseph’s Church and the local Sierra Club, and is active in parent-coaching many youth sports including t-ball and soccer. He and his wife Jennifer have been married for 14 years and live in Grayslake with their three children Ethan, Georgia Kate and Elliott.


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Michael Bond for Congress (IL-10)  Discuss
  11/02/2010 IL State Senate 31 Lost 46.53% (-6.95%)
  11/07/2006 IL State Senate 31 Won 50.93% (+1.85%)
  03/21/2006 IL State Senate 31- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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