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  Jones, Mike
NameMike Jones
, Saskatchewan , Canada
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Dec 10, 2005 04:12pm
InfoMichael Jones, 27, believes the Green Party has the most sustainable platform of the major political parties both economically and environmentally. In running as a green candidate he hopes to offer his electorate an alternative to the three currently available parties and their outdated responses to new problems.

After graduation Michael traveled extensively around Europe including living for 12 months in Moscow, Russia teaching English. He saw first hand how efficient and effective both inner and intra city public transit can be and believes no reason why Canada cannot achieve similar results.

Upon returning to Canada, Michael built a canoe and spent two summers on an epic canoe trip across Canada with his wife. The journey gave him an appreciation for the magnitude of Canada’s geography as well as giving him insight into the challenges faced by aboriginal communities. Since finishing the trip Michael has begun work on an historical fiction novel as well as speaking to school groups about his canoe journey and the fur trade in Canada.

Since moving to Saskatoon Michael has developed a great deal of respect and admiration for the hard work and dedication of the provinces farmers. He has come to believe that farmers are great stewards of their land and would like to help create an environment that would see farmers passing on family land to their children. Michael believes the Green Party view that “farmers do not want to farm the mailbox with subsidies, regulations, licenses, [and] user fees. Farmers want to produce good food for a decent price. Farmers want to feed a nation, not the bureaucrat.”

Michael has a B.A. in Geography from the University of Calgary, and a Certificate in English Language Training of Adults from Cambridge University.


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  01/23/2006 SK Parliament - Saskatoon—Humboldt Lost 3.71% (-45.36%)
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