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  Shacter, Francine
NameFrancine Shacter
, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Dec 06, 2005 04:34pm
InfoI was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Got married, moved to San Francisco,
had four children. Husband transferred to Montgomery County Maryland in 1954. Raised
children, worked in politics, organized my precinct for Adlai Stevenson – anyone remember
him? – joined with other progressive Democrats to elect progressive Democrats in an
otherwise very Republican County. In Montgomery County, I was precinct chairman for a
number of years.

Woke up one day to discover I was a single mom with four kids to raise and had to go to get
a real job. Worked on “the hill” for almost five years and then went to the Bureau of the
Census. Census was great – in 1970, managed the San Francisco office for the decennial
census, reconciled demands from the many minority groups. Result: one of the only major
cities in the country that did not demand a recount.

Back to Census in D.C. to manage a program in industrial statistics – first woman responsible for the program that
covered data on manufacture of all the capital formation machinery in the U.S. From there, on to the Consumer Product
Safety Commission to manage program about chronic hazards in consumer products and wrote the first carcinogen
policy adopted by a Federal agency.

Important to my contributions in federal government has been my ability to achieve consensus among varying
viewpoints without compromising principle.

After more than 30 years of government service, I retired to Arizona where I have become active in the community,
volunteering with the schools and the local Democratic party.


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  09/12/2006 AZ District 8 - D Primary Lost 0.94% (-53.41%)
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