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  Brown, Lois
NameLois Brown
Newmarket, Ontario , Canada
Born January 22, 1955
Died Still Living (70 years)
Last ModifedSesel
Mar 30, 2013 12:03am
InfoLois was born and raised in York Region, the third of eight children.

An accomplished musician, Lois pursued an ARCT degree from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and for 15 years taught keyboard and Music History. A student of life-long learning, Lois is currently finishing a Bachelor of Arts Degree, with a major in Economics.

For years, Lois volunteered in the political sphere and has participated at the Executive level in both federal and provincial politics. Offered the opportunity, Lois was employed in the office of Frank Klees, both at the constituency level and at Queen's Park.

In June 2003, Lois was successful in securing the Nomination for the Canadian Alliance for the riding of York North. With the merger of the CA and the PC parties, and the reconfiguration of the ridings, Lois stood for nomination for the Conservative Party in the new riding of Newmarket Aurora, in a hotly contested battle.

Seeking other opportunities to serve, Lois was elected to the National Council of the Conservative Party at the National Convention in March of this year. She is one of four Council members for the Province of Ontario.

When a vacancy was created for a Conservative Candidate in Newmarket-Aurora, Lois successfully secured the Nomination.

Lois' volunteer efforts in the community have evolved over the years. She has initiated a number of organizations in the area including a networking group for young mothers and continues to volunteer at Southlake Village Seniors residence. Currently, she is the accompanist for the York Regional Police Male Chorus, a good will endeavour of the Police Force that has performed in Canada and in tours in the United Kingdom. Lois has always used her musical talents in her local church and at festivals, both as a soloist and as an accompanist to vocal and instrumental performers.

Appointed by the Lieutenant Governor to the Council of a Regulated Health College, Lois was elected by the Council to serve as Vice President of the College.

Lois and her husband, Kelvin, own and operate a Consulting Business, assisting companies across Ontario with Risk Management related to Worker's Compensation. Kelvin and Lois have two daughters, Shannon (25) and Kristen (23).

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  10/21/2019 ON Parliament - Newmarket—Aurora Lost 37.83% (-5.27%)
  10/19/2015 ON Parliament - Newmarket—Aurora Lost 42.61% (-2.57%)
  05/02/2011 ON Parliament - Newmarket–Aurora Won 54.33% (+30.45%)
  10/14/2008 ON Parliament - Newmarket–Aurora Won 46.70% (+12.43%)
  01/23/2006 ON Parliament - Newmarket–Aurora Lost 38.05% (-8.16%)
Conservative Party Leader - Leadership Review - Feb 02, 2022 NPA Reject
ON PC Party Leader - Mar 10, 2018 PC Christine Elliott
ON PC Party Leader - Jun 25, 2009 PC Frank Klees
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