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  McAloon, David
NameDavid McAloon
Bourbonnais, Illinois , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 21, 2017 12:44am
InfoMarried 22 years, David and Brenda met while attending Illinois State University, ISU, in Normal IL. David graduated with a degree in Business Administration, and Brenda received a teaching degree in Special Education, which she is currently using as a teacher.

David’s business experience has been very diverse since graduating from ISU. He has been involved in several startup companies, including his own small business. He has also been employed in all levels of business – Fortune 500, mid-size, and small business. David left the corporate world in 1998 and joined the staff of Family Harvest Church, located in Will and Grundy counties in Illinois, where he has been able to make a more direct impact on helping people in need.

David’s first experience as an active citizen was in 1983 as a college student, while attending Illinois State University. David volunteered for the President Ronald Reagan re-election campaign, and he also joined the ISU College Republicans.

Since 1983, David has fought for legislation and public policy initiatives that benefit and strengthen Illinois families.

David has a long resume of citizen activism and defending people’s freedoms and liberties, including sitting on several Boards of Directors of public policy non-profits, and as Chairman of a state-wide non-partisan Political Action Committee for 6 years.

His political campaign experience includes helping and working on over 30 local, state, and national campaigns, including Governor, US Congressman, US Senator, and President. In the 2008 elections, he was the Illinois Media Spokesman for Mike Huckabee for President, and ran as a candidate for Illinois State Representative.

David’s main goal has always been to teach and pass on what he has learned to future generations and to encourage others to be active citizens – equipping them with the information they need to preserve and protect the United States of America, both now and in future generations.

With over 25 years of experience as a husband, father, businessman, and active citizen, David has always championed faith, honesty, integrity, and the celebration of American diversity, while centering on the belief that, “You say what you mean and do what you say.”


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  02/02/2010 IL District 11 - R Primary Lost 9.64% (-54.03%)
  11/04/2008 IL State House 075 Lost 35.00% (-30.01%)
  03/21/2006 IL State House 075- R Primary Lost 41.98% (-16.03%)
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