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  Elections in Pennsylvania: A Century of Partisan Conflict in the Keystone State
TitleElections in Pennsylvania: A Century of Partisan Conflict in the Keystone State
ASIN0271027037 - Support The Site - Purchase This Book
Last ModifiedScottĀ³ - July 10, 2006 03:39pm
DescriptionWritten By Jack M. Treadway
(Professor of Political Science at Kutztown University)

From the Penn State University Press: [Link]
"The most comprehensive state election study ever undertaken, Elections in Pennsylvania provides data and analysis for more than 13,000 general elections and more than 6,000 primary elections held in the state between 1900 and 1998, with a postscript examining in less detail the elections of 2000 and 2002. Included are all elections for president, governor, U.S. senators and representatives, statewide offices, and members of the General Assembly. The extensive period of time covered allows the author to provide an important historical perspective on electoral trends, distinguishing what are genuinely new developments in electoral dynamics and voting behavior in recent decades from what are continuations of patterns earlier in the century."

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