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   to AndyRomagnano
Screen NameAndyRomagnano   
NameAndy Romagnano
LocationPensacola, ,
BirthdayMay 07, 1985
First LoginJuly 05, 2019 09:38pm
Last LoginMarch 01, 2022 10:23am
Predictions Points: 0.0000
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Emote Messages 5
D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)
January 18, 2022 04:47pm
Is this the same person as?


The Threatt who ran for Congress in 1880 served in the Alabama House of Representatives from Marengo County from 1872-1874

His great grandson Oscar Adams was an African-American who held a judicial seat in Alabama, trying to clarify now

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)
June 23, 2021 04:03pm
Please remove the Romagnano endorsement from Hudson.....Romagnano backed Buffkin the entire thing but I find no way to delete it....

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)
June 22, 2021 02:52pm
Wells Griffith is missing from this race, he ran in the first primary, generally competed well with Byrne in Midtown Mobile and not many other places, but he was a candidate, received votes, later had a position in the Trump Administration.

His family owns a gas station in Mobile, Griffith Shell

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)
June 22, 2021 10:59am
The source I have has the first primary votes for Broward and Davis, not Davis or Brown, does list the counties they carried

D:10314AndyRomagnano ( 0.00 points)
June 18, 2021 10:44am
How do I remove "Republican primary winner"

I actually prefiled for this race for the Republican primary, had intended to try and challenge as a Democrat to get on the November ballot but Florida has a 1 year rule, that you have to be in a party to run on its ballot as a major party candidate.

I was unable to raise the qualifying fee so was a qualified write in, and in Florida only votes for qualified candidates are counted. I have maintained Childers did not have the minimum valid signatures (she chose signature petition rather than qualifying fee) but that has come to naught so I have prefiled in FL House of Rep 2 as a Democrat, as you can verify with Florida DOS.

But I am new to candidate creation, and I was trying to use Childers, and make her GOP nominee, as she was in 2016, she was not an NPA but was unchallenged.

And if a race didn't yield a primary, but someone filed and did not run, how do I note that?

  Discussion 0-25 of 5