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   to CincinnatiReds1990
Screen NameCincinnatiReds1990   
LocationSharonville, ,
BirthdayJuly 29, 1994
First LoginDecember 03, 2007 02:01pm
Last LoginJanuary 25, 2025 10:37pm
Predictions Points: 95.4006
Predictions: 414/517 (80.08%)
Points Per: 95.4006/517 (0.18)
Emote Messages 126
R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
December 28, 2024 11:40pm
LSjustbloggin: The Democrats are so not taking back the Senate in 2026 without this seat.

They will probably not be successful unless the populists primary out whomever DeWine picks for Senate with someone with no appeal outside base Republicans.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
December 28, 2024 11:18pm
New district of mine. I very reluctantly went for Davidson. I don't like his position on Ukraine and even Israel, but Enoch's position on Israel was way worse.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
December 28, 2024 11:14pm
Want it to be Dolan, and I was in the belief that he was high on Governor DeWine's list at first. Recent events with consulting with the national party lead me to believe it might end up being Husted.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
December 28, 2024 11:00pm
Going with Robinson here. His nutjobbery made a Governor's race that was the GOP's to lose in North Carolina safe Democrat in a year that was otherwise not much to write home for the Democrats.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
July 22, 2023 07:36pm
I was initially an undecided voter on this. (Typical Ohio Voter, lol) Even leaning Yes at one point as I do think on principle 50%+1 does seem a bit too easy to amend the constitution.

But, there seems like there is a lot of politicizing of the issues like abortion tied into this and the new signature requirements seem a bit too much.

I'm voting No.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
September 14, 2022 08:35am
The decision to move to New Hampshire for the Browns has not paid off well. Scott Brown had as hard of a time running against Shaheen in '14 as he did against Warren in '12 in Massachusetts. Now Gail placed 3rd in this House Primary.

Might have been better off staying in Massachusetts. He could have become Governor down the road, and she could have gotten her foot in the door as a State Rep or State Senator in Wrentham.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
August 06, 2022 11:33am
DylanSH99: Happy Birthday to a fellow Reds fan!

Oh, no way! I didn't realize you were a Reds fan too! Yeah, been a fan since Ken Griffey Jr. was playing over here. Still watching the games this year. Though I think it's unlikely we'll get more than 3rd in the Central this year, I am optimistic next year.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
July 26, 2022 01:55am
I actually went to High School with Andrew. We were even in AP History together.

I don't think I've ever met Lynne, but Andrew and I went to school with one of her daughters. I wasn't as close to her though.

I'm in Ohio now, but I have been watching this race. Andrew definitely seems closer to a Harrington/Baker moderate who is open to compromise on Beacon Hill when appropriate. Lynne seems to be more of a populist who is not going to work with people she disagrees with as easily.

I would think given how close Harrington's race was last time would be a wake up call that local Republicans should be careful about nominating someone too ideological, as this district may be a little more Purple rather than Red like it was years ago, but, Archambault might just have enough campaign starstruck to blind the voters. Shepherd seems more electable in November though, and I think he could win the primary.

R:6309CincinnatiReds1990 ( 95.40 points)
July 26, 2022 01:09am
BrentinCO: Joe Biden, "This fall, Roe is on the ballot."

What will the political impact of the Dobbs decision by the US Supreme Court be on the mid-term election results?

Will probably still be a Republican year as the first midterm in a new Presidency usually benefits the main opposing party, but I think the Roe/Dobbs stuff will probably energize the very Pro-Choice Democrats a little more than usual to vote. Democrats might get a small bump from it, but it won't be enough. Inflation is still going to be a headache for Democrats to deal with before midterms.

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