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   from Juan Croniqueur
Screen NameJuan Croniqueur   
LocationMinneapolis, ,
BirthdayJuly 27, 1988
AffiliationUnified Socialist
First LoginNovember 17, 2015 09:03pm
Last LoginMarch 12, 2025 12:50am
Predictions Points: -34.0791
Predictions: 7/8 (87.50%)
Points Per: -34.0791/8 (-4.26)
Emote Messages 12
For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.90 points)
November 13, 2024 05:22pm
I do not see this man passing an approval vote before the Senate.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
July 03, 2024 08:18pm
You have to wonder if this might be the last election in Northern Ireland at least as we know it now. With the Irish Nationalist parties growing in Strength, and Starmer promising changes to the existing agreement. How far will Starmer go?


Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
October 26, 2023 05:05pm
Will be voted on next week.

NY Congressional Republicans - Santos + Sympathetic Dems + Sympathetic Republicans = Santos Expulsion.


Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
October 13, 2023 05:29pm
BrentinCO: Prediction. Scalise will NOT be Speaker.

Prediction. Jordan will NOT be Speaker.

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)
September 17, 2023 08:42pm
It's not Gabon's Southern neighbors that should look over their shoulders so much as its immediate neighbor to the north. Obiang's once-solid dependable rocking chair is close to cracking.

For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.90 points)
June 09, 2023 04:59pm
Prediction: Neither Trump nor DeSantis will be the nominee. Trump's baggage is getting to be too much and I feel like DeSantis has topped out way too early. I think someone like Tim Scott or even Pence would be more likely to be the nominee because they have room to grow. Thoughts?

For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.90 points)
June 07, 2023 08:10pm
This is gonna be a very close race I think. Like within 1%.

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.24 points)
January 11, 2023 11:47am
Will resign soon!

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)
May 08, 2022 02:10pm
I wager that the incoming Bong Bong/Sara Duterte administration will be seen as a liberal-democratic beacon in South-east Asia and remain popular enough to take a second term. Certainly an improvement by an extra-wide margin over the agita of the last few years, forever remembered ignobly by the 'back-alley' biker-killers Rodrigo set loose in Manila.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)
August 24, 2020 08:42pm
When your bodyguard is your teenage son, you know your circle of trust is shrinking.

I:1038WA Indy ( 1772.59 points)
March 15, 2020 06:54pm
Elections by August...

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)
April 16, 2019 07:36pm
This territory, long ignored, out of sight and out of mind, may heave up from obscurity soon, if only because the political havoc affecting neighbor and SADR-backer, Algeria, has twisted her head to her navel.

The SADR control a third of this land, you see, and its only true ally and financial backer has been the team behind Algeria's 'system', now under siege.

A nation close to ruin and penniless, stewing under super high unemployment and even higher discontent - sweating the heat of Arab Spring II....the outcome in Algeria can't be good.

Whomever or whatever oligarchy takes command of El Mouradia Palace this year will be forced to submerge and cower for decades. One immediate act of future Algeria will be to relieve herself of foreign obligation, expense and adventure (bye bye SADR).

Morocco's been itching to annex/administer/organize (name a word to camouflage true intent) what it doesn't already control in Western Sahara. Now's the time to fulfill a heartfelt desire. Countdown to launch has begun.

  Discussion 0-25 of 12