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   from Jason
Screen NameJason   
LocationMurrieta, ,
BirthdaySeptember 11, 1989
First LoginAugust 11, 2007 12:06am
Last LoginJanuary 20, 2025 11:54am
Predictions Points: 11913.3682
Predictions: 11056/11969 (92.37%)
Points Per: 11913.3682/11969 (1.00)
Emote Messages 40
I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
September 18, 2024 05:06pm
Teamsters National are tryin to be America's Arbeitsfront...

I:1038WA Indy ( 1772.59 points)
September 07, 2021 05:02pm
Whatever he does, he’ll piss off progressives for not suddenly voting in lockstep with Bernie.

Un:11182CyberPolitics ( 32.14 points)
x2 x4
August 15, 2021 08:09pm
First of all, Joe Biden owns this mess. And it is not only GOP blaming even his former colleagues are doing so like Former DOD Secretary Gates and Ambassador Crocker. Congrats to Joe on his second country that he destroyed!

Un:11182CyberPolitics ( 32.14 points)
August 15, 2021 03:57pm
Afghanistan will have one of the worst humanitarian crisis and hundreds of thousands will die in the next few years. And then the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany, will intervene and kick out Taliban.

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)
August 12, 2021 06:19pm
The Taliban have taken Kandahar and Herat, Afghanistan's second and third largest cities [Link] They're sopping up Kabul suburbs as I write. Afghani Army rank-and-file are running off like fleas (so much for 20 years of American training!). A total takeover of the country by this truly savage, murderous movement in the works and imminent - before Labor Day, 'pundits' expect. Mass executions, theocratic authoritarianism and murderous subjugations of women, the LGBT community, ethnic and religious minorities - all in store. Safe havens for Bin Laden wanabees guaranteed, and for longer periods (you can bet your life that no nation will be touching the place for millennia).

This is THE event of the 21st Century and this is THE catastrophe of the ages. America's response to this? Peer down at its navel and send copters to lift its people out of the American Embassy, April 30, 1975 Saigon-style. History repeating itself, but even swifter. Has anyone noticed the irony?

I:10856Stewart Smith ( 0.00 points)
October 24, 2020 10:47am

Please update candidate picture and information. Thank you.

The candidate race date is November 22, 2020

I:10856Stewart Smith ( 0.00 points)
October 24, 2020 09:17am
Can you please update his race date to Nov ,8th 2022 and add his picture please.

I:10856Stewart Smith ( 0.00 points)
October 23, 2020 10:55pm
Salem will be the first U.S. immigrant Arab Man holding this position in American history. However, he asks New York Voters to look not at his religion or where he came from!

I:1038WA Indy ( 1772.59 points)
March 03, 2020 01:28pm
Polls that don't show a Bernie lead are biased and rigged

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)
September 07, 2019 02:38pm
Bernie supporters in Maine next November:

1. Green Party nominee
2. Trump
3. *All others just as bad as Trump

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.90 points)
February 20, 2019 11:57am
BR_Green: I honestly think the Bernie bros are gonna scare off potential supporters.

I would extend that to Bernie himself as much as his bros. He was running a negative campaign against Clinton even when there was no reasonable chance for him to get the nomination. I will not forgive him for that and he will not get my vote in the primaries.

G:1028BR_Green ( 245.64 points)
February 20, 2019 10:43am
I love Bernie and have been following for years prior to 2016. I honestly think the Bernie bros are gonna scare off potential supporters. They have 0 filter and are foolishly dragging the rest of the field through the mud. Donald Trump is out president literally any of these candidates would be better. This is not the year to tear the Democratic Party apart.

D:10124BLUEDOGS ( 68.14 points)
October 03, 2018 10:09am
Awaiting the next polling survey that will put DeSantis ahead.

  Discussion 0-25 of 13