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SC Educational Lottery
Parents |
> United States > South Carolina > Initiatives and Referenda > Educational Lottery
Office | Referendum |
Honorific | Referendum - Abbr: |
Type | General Election |
Filing Deadline | July 01, 2000 - 12:00pm Central |
Polls Open | November 07, 2000 - 07:00am Central |
Polls Close | November 07, 2000 - 07:00pm Central |
Term Start | January 03, 2001 - 08:00am |
Term End | December 31, 9999 - 08:00am |
Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modified | Ashley September 23, 2007 03:55pm |
Data Sources | [Link] |
Description |
"Must Section 7, Article XVII of the Constitution of this State be amended so as to delete references to the prohibition on lotteries, their advertising, and ticket sales and to provide that lotteries may be conducted only by the State in the manner that the General Assembly provides by law with the lottery revenues first being used to pay operating expenses and prizes and the remaining revenues credited to a separate 'Education Lottery Account' in the state treasury, the earnings on which are credited to this account, with all account proceeds used only for education as the General Assembly provides by law?"
Under the current law, the Constitution bans all lotteries. A "Yes" vote would abolish the ban in the Constitution. Only the State of South Carolina would be authorized to conduct lotteries in the future and only for educational purposes. This Amendment would leave it up to the Legislature to determine the method of conducting State-run lotteries. After state lottery proceeds are used to pay operating expenses and prizes, the Legislature will provide for the educational purposes for which these State-run lottery proceeds must be used. A "No" vote leaves the Constitutional ban on lotteries in place as it is.
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