Leadership Convention
Ottawa, Ontario
First ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 752 (31.5%)
HELLYER, Paul - 330 (13.8%)
WINTERS, Robert - 293 (12.3%)
MARTIN, Paul - 277 (11.6%)
TURNER, John - 277 (11.6%)
GREENE, Joe - 169 (7.1%)
MACEACHEN, Allan - 163 (6.8%)
KIERANS, Eric - 103 (4.3%)
HENDERSON, Harold - 0 (0.0%)
Spoiled ballots - 24 (1.0%)
Henderson was automatically eliminated. Kierans and Martin withdrew voluntarily but did not make endorsements. MacEachen also withdrew and endorsed Trudeau, but failed to do so in time and thus his name remained on the second ballot.
Second ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 964 (40.5%)
WINTERS, Robert - 473 (19.9%)
HELLYER, Paul - 465 (19.5%)
TURNER, John - 347 (14.6%)
GREENE, Joe - 104 (4.4%)
MACEACHEN, Allan - 11 (0.5%)
Spoiled ballots - 15 (0.6%)
Greene was saved from elimination by MacEachen remaining on the ballot. He pledged to endorse Trudeau after the next (third) ballot. Winters and Hellyer agreed that whichever of the two finished third on the next (third) ballot would support whomever finished second.
Third ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 1051 (44.2%)
WINTERS, Robert - 621 (26.1%)
HELLYER, Paul - 377 (15.9%)
TURNER, John - 279 (11.7%)
GREENE, Joe - 29 (1.2%)
Spoiled ballots - 19 (0.8%)
As per earlier agreements, Hellyer withdrew from the race and endorsed Winters, while Greene backed out and supported Trudeau.
Fourth ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 1203 (50.9%)
WINTERS, Robert - 954 (4
Leadership Convention
Ottawa, Ontario
First ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 752 (31.5%)
HELLYER, Paul - 330 (13.8%)
WINTERS, Robert - 293 (12.3%)
MARTIN, Paul - 277 (11.6%)
TURNER, John - 277 (11.6%)
GREENE, Joe - 169 (7.1%)
MACEACHEN, Allan - 163 (6.8%)
KIERANS, Eric - 103 (4.3%)
HENDERSON, Harold - 0 (0.0%)
Spoiled ballots - 24 (1.0%)
Henderson was automatically eliminated. Kierans and Martin withdrew voluntarily but did not make endorsements. MacEachen also withdrew and endorsed Trudeau, but failed to do so in time and thus his name remained on the second ballot.
Second ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 964 (40.5%)
WINTERS, Robert - 473 (19.9%)
HELLYER, Paul - 465 (19.5%)
TURNER, John - 347 (14.6%)
GREENE, Joe - 104 (4.4%)
MACEACHEN, Allan - 11 (0.5%)
Spoiled ballots - 15 (0.6%)
Greene was saved from elimination by MacEachen remaining on the ballot. He pledged to endorse Trudeau after the next (third) ballot. Winters and Hellyer agreed that whichever of the two finished third on the next (third) ballot would support whomever finished second.
Third ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 1051 (44.2%)
WINTERS, Robert - 621 (26.1%)
HELLYER, Paul - 377 (15.9%)
TURNER, John - 279 (11.7%)
GREENE, Joe - 29 (1.2%)
Spoiled ballots - 19 (0.8%)
As per earlier agreements, Hellyer withdrew from the race and endorsed Winters, while Greene backed out and supported Trudeau.
Fourth ballot:
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott - 1203 (50.9%)
WINTERS, Robert - 954 (40.3%)
TURNER, John - 195 (8.2%)
Spoiled ballots - 13 (0.5%)
Pierre Trudeau, having reached the 50% threshold, was declared Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.