Parents |
> United Kingdom > Government
Office | Prime Minister |
Honorific | Prime Minister - Abbr: PM |
Type | General Election |
Filing Deadline | --- |
Polls Open | July 04, 1892 - 08:00am Central |
Polls Close | July 26, 1892 - 10:00pm Central |
Term Start | August 15, 1892 - 12:00pm |
Term End | March 05, 1894 - 12:00pm |
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Modified | Ralphie January 18, 2008 11:27pm |
Data Sources | |
Description |
Although the Conservatives held a plurality of seats, the Government was ruled by a Liberal-Irish Parliamentary Party coalition. The Liberals held 272 seats while the Irish nationalists held 81.