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NC - District 01
Parents |
> United States > North Carolina > NC - District 01
Office | House of Representatives |
Honorific | Representative - Abbr: Rep. |
Type | General Election |
Filing Deadline | January 01, 1882 - 12:00pm Central |
Polls Open | November 07, 1882 - 06:00am Central |
Polls Close | November 07, 1882 - 08:00pm Central |
Term Start | March 04, 1883 - 12:00pm |
Term End | August 25, 1883 - 12:00pm |
Contributor | Chronicler |
Last Modified | Chronicler December 17, 2022 05:59pm |
Data Sources | Official returns in the N.C. Department of Archives and History. |
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Pool died on 8/25/1883 before Congress assembled.
Democratic nomination
The Democratic district convention met at Elizabeth City on 7/20/1882. The delegates nominated Latham by acclamation (Raleigh News & Observer, 7/21/1882).
LAP nomination
The Liberal Anti-Prohibition Party held its district convention at Edenton on 7/31/1882. It nominated John B. Respass, a former Republican (Charlotte Observer, 8/1/1882). After the Republican district convention nominated Pool, Respass withdrew from the race; his withdrawal was not mentioned in newspapers.
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