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Abbreviation | HSh |
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Country | Japan |
Established | 2002-12-00
Disbanded | 2003-11-10
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Edited | Ralphie - October 27, 2008 12:53pm |
Description | A now defunct right of centre party in Japan. The New Conservative Party was formed in late 2002 when Hiroshi Kumagai and three other DPJ members defected and merged with the Conservative Party. After the November 2003 elections, the NCP was left with four seats, down from nine, with even Kumagai losing his seat. On November 10, 2003, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi suggested the NCP merge with his Liberal Democratic Party. The merger was confirmed by NCP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai.
The New Conservative Party is known as Hoshu Shinto in Japanese. |
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