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Abbreviation | INA |
Website | http://iraqvote316.com/ |
Country | Iraq |
Established | 2004-00-00
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Edited | Bojicat - December 05, 2019 05:28pm |
Description | Iraq Shi'ite Islamist alliance-of-convenience of all 22 parties created at the direction of the reactionary Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution (based in Iran) to contest the January 2005 elections at the height U.S. occupation of the country. Coalition was given theocratical support by the preeminent Iraqi Ayatollah of the time, Ali al-Sistani. Caolition was much reduced by the 2010 elections and Alliance fell apart upon opposition to Prime Minister Al-Maliki.
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