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  Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht
Last EditedBojicat - October 17, 2024 05:19pm
DescriptionLeft-wing association turned party formed by allies of Sahra Wagenknecht, a former leader of Die Linke from October 12, 2015 to November 12, 2019, after her split from Die Linke in October 2023. Association plans to formalize itself as a party in January 2024. Wagenknecht's sympathies for the former German Democratic Republic, and her unrepentant praise of Josef Stalin, brought her into conflict with many Die Linke colleagues and co-leaders, including Gregor Gysi, whom she derisively belittled as "left-liberals" ("Linksliberale"). The last straw which spurred her departure appeared to have come when 50 Die Linke members in October demanded in an open letter her exclusion from the party. Wagenknecht's faction holds sympathies for the Russian Federation and objects to support of Ukraine in its war with the Russian Federation. Party is expected to be "Left-nationalistic' and adhere to the political theories of Karl Liebknecht, considered the "mastermind of Socialism" in the former East Germany. Association is chaired by the former co-chairman of Die Linke and Bundestag member Amira Mohamed Ali [Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht); and as BSW – Für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit; BSW – For Reason and Justice].

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03/02/2025 Hamburg Parliament - Popular Vote Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 1.75% (-31.68%)
03/02/2025 Hamburg Parliament - Party Standings Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 0.00% (-37.19%)
03/02/2025 Hamburg First Mayor Jochen Brack Lost 0.00% (+0.00%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 10.55% (-24.44%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 074 Berlin-Mitte Sevim Dağdelen Lost 4.98% (-20.31%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 156 Görlitz Carsten Berg Lost 6.39% (-42.47%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 192 Erfurt – Weimar – Weimarer Land II Gernot Süßmuth Lost 5.89% (-30.93%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 205 Worms Adar Belice Lost 2.50% (-32.84%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 232 Regensburg Irmgard Freihoffer Lost 2.43% (-35.83%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Popular Vote Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 4.97% (-17.58%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Party Standings Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 0.00% (-33.02%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Bayern Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 3.08% (-34.10%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Nordrhein-Westfalen Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 4.10% (-26.02%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 083 Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick Josephine Thyrêt Lost 5.60% (-36.24%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 161 Chemnitz Christian Schweiger Lost 9.16% (-23.05%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 193 Gera – Greiz – Altenburger Land Günter André Polter Lost 6.34% (-38.45%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 206 Ludwigshafen/Frankenthal Jan Alexander Mohammad Lost 3.37% (+3.37%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - 237 Coburg René Hähnlein Lost 2.21% (-39.70%)
02/23/2025 DEU Chancellor Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 0.00% (+0.00%)
02/23/2025 DEU Bundestag - Baden-Württemberg Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht Lost 4.09% (-27.51%)