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Abbreviation | Kok |
Website | www .kokoomus .fi |
Country | Finland |
Established | 1918-12-09
Disbanded | 0000-00-00
Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Edited | Bojicat - February 20, 2023 12:35pm |
Description | Conservative consensus-building party formed by Finns anxious to protect a newly independent Finland (founded on December 6, 1917) from Bolshevik Russia's demands for unification with it. Coalition leaders sought to strengthen Finnish independence by establishing a monarchy like Sweden's until republican reformists took control in 1922. Coalition cemented its image as a foe of Soviet encroachments on Finland and sought to establish a common ground with other parties, winding up a frequent target of Communist and far left parties for decades thereafter. The Coalition Party sees itself as a direct successor to the legacy of Finland's oldest political movement, the Finnish Party and is currently Finland's third largest party in terms of MPs (38). The Coalition has been chaired by former Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo since June 11, 2016 [Kansallinen Kokoomus, Kok; National Coalition Party, or Coalition Party (preferred)]. |
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