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  ‘No silver lining in slavery': Scott slams DeSantis on Florida curriculum comments
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ContributorWA Indy 
Last EditedWA Indy  Jul 28, 2023 04:27pm
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CategoryElection Guide
AuthorLucy Hodgman
News DateFriday, July 28, 2023 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRepublican presidential candidate Tim Scott on Thursday criticized competitor Ron DeSantis on his support for Florida education standards requiring students to be instructed on the “benefits” of slavery.

Asked by a POLITICO reporter about the curriculum requirement at a campaign stop outside Des Moines, the South Carolina senator said he hoped that “every person in our country, and certainly running for president, would appreciate that” slavery had no benefits to enslaved people.

“There is no silver lining in slavery,” Scott said. “Slavery was really about separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating.”
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