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  Otto Pérez Molina out as Guatemala's President, ordered to jail
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Sep 03, 2015 09:30pm
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AuthorRafael Romo and Greg Botelho
MediaTV News - CNN
News DateFriday, September 4, 2015 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOne day ago, Otto Pérez Molina was Guatemala's President.

By Thursday, he not only had lost that job, but was in custody.

Guatemala's Attorney General issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for Pérez Molina in connection with a corruption investigation that has shaken the government and sparked protests. The 64-year-old former military commander responded by submitting his resignation -- an offer that the Central American country's Congress, by a 118-0 vote, accepted.

A short time later, Alejandro Maldonado -- who had been vice president -- was sworn in as successor.

Judge Miguel Angel Gálvez ordered Pérez Molina be held in the Matamoros jail in Guatemala City.
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