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  Voter-suppression scandal will be a test of Harper’s leadership
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Last EditedMonsieur  Feb 26, 2012 10:47pm
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AuthorJohn Ibbitson
MediaNewspaper - Toronto Globe and Mail
News DateMonday, February 27, 2012 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOpposition attacks over the alleged voter-suppression scandal will fill Question Period Monday. And Tuesday. And Wednesday.

The NDP and Liberals believe they have smoking-gun proof that the Conservative Party broke all the rules and the law, too, in its effort to win last May’s election. They don’t have that proof, at least not yet.

But Prime Minister Stephen Harper has a major problem. How he deals with it will tell us whether the comforts of majority government have dulled his political instincts.

Elections Canada and the RCMP are investigating some pretty serious stuff in at least one riding, Guelph, where one or more Conservative party workers may have impersonated Elections Canada officials in an effort to lure Liberal voters to a non-existent polling station. How much of that kind of thing went on, and how high knowledge of the activity went in the party, is the all-important question.
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