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  Brian Topp makes it official: He’s running for NDP leader
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Last EditedMonsieur  Sep 12, 2011 01:59pm
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AuthorDaniel Leblanc
MediaNewspaper - Toronto Globe and Mail
News DateMonday, September 12, 2011 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionNDP president Brian Topp is running to replace Jack Layton as leader, having already secured the support of Quebec MP Françoise Boivin and former leader Ed Broadbent.

The trio appeared together at a news conference in Ottawa ahead of an NDP caucus meeting in Quebec City this week.

Ms. Boivin and Mr. Broadbent's endorsements came as a surprise, but are a clear signal of Mr. Topp's strengths and wide-ranging support in NDP circles.

It also shows that not all of the NDP's Quebec MPs will support the eventual leadership bid of NDP House Leader Thomas Mulcair.
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