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  Bill Maher: Republicans Are Like Meth Addicts, Always Focused on Imaginary Problems
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Last EditedCOSDem  Mar 20, 2011 07:25pm
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News DateMonday, March 21, 2011 01:25:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBill Maher speaks the truth:

When you go down the list of useless distractions that make up the Republican party agenda -- public unions, Sharia law, anchor babies, the mosque at Ground Zero, ACORN, National Public Radio, the war on Christmas, the new Black Panthers, Planned Parenthood, Michelle Obama's war on dessert...you realize that the reason nothing gets done in America is that one of the political parties puts so much [energy] into fantasy problems than real ones.

Governing this country with Republicans is like rooming with a Meth addict; you want to address real-life problems, like when the rent is due, and they're saying, "How can you even think of that stuff when there's police scanner voices coming out of the air conditioner unit??"
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