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  Rick Santorum Returns - And Eyes The White House
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  May 05, 2010 02:01pm
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AuthorBrian Montopoli
MediaTV News - Columbia Broadcasting System CBS News
News DateWednesday, May 5, 2010 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRick Santorum wants back in the game.

Four years ago, the two-term Pennsylvania senator lost his reelection bid by a whopping 18 points, the worst loss for a sitting senator since before Ronald Reagan became president.

With that loss, Santorum -- a staunch social conservative who had become a target of the left for his role in divisive debates over issues such as homosexuality and evolution -- faded from the national scene.

This year, however, Santorum has been not-so-quietly laying the groundwork for a return to an even bigger stage: The 2012 Republican presidential nomination fight.

Santorum, a Fox News contributor, raised more than $700,000 through his Political Action Committee in the second half of 2009, with most of that money going to direct mail solicitations designed to build a conservative base of support and national profile. He has already traveled to key early primary states, and in a January letter to supporters stated flatly that he is "actively considering the 2012 race."
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