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  Spouse of Ensign’s mistress sought help in letter to Fox News
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Last EditedRP  Jun 19, 2009 12:21pm
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AuthorJeff German, Lisa Mascaro
News DateFriday, June 19, 2009 09:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionIn a letter dated five days before Sen. John Ensign’s public confession of an extramarital affair, Doug Hampton pleaded to a national Fox News anchorwoman for help in exposing the senator’s “heinous conduct and pursuit” of Hampton’s wife.

Hours before the Sun obtained an unsigned copy of the letter, Ensign’s spokesman said the senator disclosed the affair with Cynthia Hampton because her husband had approached “a major television news channel before Tuesday,” the day Ensign admitted the affair. “We learned of this fact before the news conference,” the spokesman noted in an e-mail.
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