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  National prophetess Cynthia Dunbar should be 2008 Texan of the Year
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Last EditedRBH  Dec 07, 2008 03:09pm
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MediaNewspaper - Dallas Morning News
News DateSunday, December 7, 2008 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionI don't mean to compete with my two fine colleagues, but frankly they couldn't possibly nominate a 2008 Dallas Morning News Texan of the Year as deeply worthy as mine.

Ms. Dunbar warned that an Obama presidency would mean 'the end of America as we know her.'

I mean, how do you top someone who warned us that the next president is a terrorist sympathizer with plans to topple the government?

Thank you, Cynthia Dunbar.

As if her work on the State Board of Education weren't enough, she is also our national prophetess.

"I sincerely believe that an Obama Administration would ultimately mean one thing – the end of America as we know her," Ms. Dunbar wrote on the Christian Worldview Network Web site before the election.

You know that attack predicted by running mate Joe Biden? Don't be so gullible.

"I do not believe this 'attack' will be a test of Obama's mettle. Rather, I perceive it will be a planned effort by those with whom Obama truly sympathizes to take down the America that is [a] threat to tyranny."
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