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  Group criticizes Texas Board of Education member over controversial book
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Last EditedRBH  Dec 07, 2008 03:03pm
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News DateSaturday, December 6, 2008 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionAn Austin watchdog group has called for the removal of State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, from the board’s committee that governs what is taught in public schools and which textbooks are adopted.

The Texas Freedom Network, a group that opposes religious influence on public education, is reacting to Dunbar’s newly published book, One Nation Under God, which refers to public education as "a subtly deceptive tool of perversion" and calls the establishment of public schools unconstitutional and "tyrannical."


Dunbar has served as the state board’s District 10 representative since 2006. Her district covers 16 counties in Southeast Texas, including half of Travis County. She is a member of the board’s instruction committee, which oversees curriculum and graduation requirements, student assessment programs, library standards, and the selection of textbooks.

Dunbar is aligned with nine other socially conservative board members on the 15-member board.

In her book, Dunbar writes that she believes public schools are unconstitutional because they undermine the scriptural authority of families to direct their children’s education. Her own children have been privately educated and home-schooled.
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