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  GOP puts [WI Rep] Kagen's seat in its crosshairs
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Last EditedArmyDem  Jun 20, 2007 01:23am
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MediaNewspaper - Appleton Post-Crescent
News DateTuesday, June 19, 2007 07:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBy J.E. Espino
Post-Crescent staff writer

The Rev. Robert Cornell knows all too well how tough it is for a Democrat to hold the 8th Congressional District.

Thirty years after he was ousted from the seat after two terms, he remains one of only three Democrats elected since 1943, and the only to hold the seat for more than a single term.

"You're hardly in office and you've got to take in consideration that you are going to be up for re-election," said Cornell, the 87-year-old Roman Catholic priest elected in 1974 on the heels of voter discontent with President Nixon and Watergate, and Republicans by extension.

U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen scored a similar victory just seven months ago. He tapped into widespread unhappiness with the Iraq war and dissatisfaction with Republican rule of Congress to become the first Democrat elected since Jay Johnson a decade earlier.

Already, Kagen is in the GOP's crosshairs.
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