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  Former [N. J.] lawmaker [Richard] Van Wagner dies
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Last EditedRMF  Mar 06, 2007 07:54pm
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MediaNewspaper - Asbury Park Press
News DateWednesday, March 7, 2007 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionAlthough Richard William Van Wagner's vocation was public service, his passion was coming home to his family, his son said.

"He worked really hard and spent a lot of time in Trenton," said one of his sons, Richard Van Wagner, 41, of Ocean Township. "But I still had a father who ran onto the baseball field with his dress shoes, his slacks and his sport coat and shagged balls in right field."

Van Wagner, a former Democratic state Senator who served for 18 years in the state Legislature for the 13th District, died Saturday morning in Naples, Fla., as a result of complications of emphysema, his son said. He was 70.
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