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  Saudis plan long fence for Iraq border
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Last EditedRP  Sep 27, 2006 07:38pm
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MediaWebsite - Yahoo News
News DateWednesday, September 27, 2006 08:10:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSaudi Arabia is pushing ahead with plans to build a fence to block terrorists from crossing its 560-mile border with
Iraq — another sign of growing alarm that Sunni-Shiite strife could spill over and drag Iraq's neighbors into its civil conflict.

The ambitious project reflects not only concern over terrorism but also growing alarm over the situation in Iraq, where U.S. forces are struggling to prevent sectarian violence from escalating to full-scale civil war between that nation's Shiite majority and Sunni minority.

All of Iraq's neighbors, including the Saudis, fear the violence could spill over the borders and threaten their own security.

Saudi leaders worry about Sunni extremists returning home to wage war on the U.S.-allied monarchy or Shiite militants trying to stir up trouble among the Shiite minority.
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