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  [Canada] Green leadership hopefuls tout job credentials
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Last EditedMonsieur  Aug 22, 2006 09:11am
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News DateTuesday, August 22, 2006 03:10:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThey wear green instead of red, and there are only three of them, but candidates for the Green Party leadership argue the winner will be just as essential to Canadian politics as the next Liberal leader.

"I want to be responding to government policies, to those things that are at odds with basic Green Party philosophies, whether it's an increasing militaristic stance from the government or the complete abdication of responsibility on the climate file," candidate Elizabeth May told CTV's Question Period on Sunday.

"These are issues of urgent concern to Canadians and the other parties just aren't listening."

The Green Party of Canada is holding its 2006 Convention in Ottawa from Aug. 24-27. A new leader will be chosen to replace Jim Harris, who does not want to take the party into the next federal election.

Along with Elizabeth May, the other two contenders are Deputy Leader David Chernushenko and real-estate agent Jim Fannon.
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