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  Experts see Lay's death erasing conviction
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jul 06, 2006 05:07pm
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MediaWebsite - Yahoo News
News DateThursday, July 6, 2006 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionHOUSTON - The death of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay will likely cause his conviction to be erased from the record, experts said Thursday.

The 64-year-old executive's sudden death Wednesday from heart disease allows his lawyers to ask the court to vacate his conviction for fraud and conspiracy in Enron's scandal that left thousands jobless and wiped out billions from investors.

What will become of his money and assets, however, is still unclear. If his conviction is erased, that would thwart the government's effort to seize millions prosecutors say he gained from participating in Enron's fraud.
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