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  Drive Launched to Oust Pittsburgh Mayor
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Last EditedUser 13  Aug 16, 2003 01:37pm
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MediaNews Service - Associated Press
News DateSaturday, August 16, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description As city workers protest threatened layoffs, a petition drive is under way that seeks to oust Mayor Tom Murphy.

Murphy announced last week 731 city workers - nearly 17 percent of Pittsburgh's work force - would be released to close a $60 million budget shortfall.

Petition organizer Jim Jenco, who has gathered more than 200 signatures from people requesting impeachment proceedings against Murphy, denied the effort was inspired by the recall campaign targeting California Gov. Gray Davis.

"People are sick of him," Jenco said of Murphy. "They want him out."

Murphy began his third term last year. Calls to his office after hours Friday were not immediately returned.

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