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  Wisconsin governor vetoes abortion bill
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Last EditedMonsieur  Jan 08, 2006 02:29am
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MediaTV News - CNN
News DateSaturday, January 7, 2006 07:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMADISON, Wisconsin (AP) -- Gov. Jim Doyle on Friday vetoed a bill that would have forced doctors to tell women seeking abortions after their fifth month of pregnancy that their fetuses could suffer pain.

Doyle, a Democrat, said there is no evidence conclusively proving when a fetus can feel pain. The Republican-controlled Legislature should not be allowed to decide scientific fact, he said.

"It would be reckless to inject a requirement that doctors communicate unproven science to their patients during an already difficult and sometimes traumatic time," Doyle wrote in his veto message. "This bill intrudes on the doctor-patient relationship ... and contravenes the requirement that doctors provide objective and accurate information to their patients."
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