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  Graham Says NYC Revival Probably His Last
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jun 15, 2005 03:36pm
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MediaWebsite - Yahoo News
News DateWednesday, June 15, 2005 09:35:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionUNIONDALE, N.Y. - Now 86 and in frail health, the Rev. Billy Graham is all but certain that his revival meeting in New York City next week will be the last he ever leads in the United States — and probably the last that the famed evangelist does anywhere.

"In my mind, it is," he said during an interview with The Associated Press at a Long Island hotel where he's resting up for the June 24-26 event.

"I wouldn't like to say 'never,'" Graham added with a chuckle. "Never is a bad word."

The elder statesman of the evangelical movement is soft of voice those days, but alert, amiable as ever, and appears in conversation to be bearing up well under a host of ailments. He's brought his simple but powerful message of salvation through Christ to over 210 million people in 185 countries — and is still in demand.

Churches in London, where he made his first international splash a half-century ago, have asked to him preach there around his 87th birthday in November. The odds of that? "I'd say a slight possibility," Graham said.

His son Franklin — now the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association — will stand by in New York as substitute preacher in case of emergency. But the elder Graham fully expects to speak for about 35 minutes at all three rallies, and to do so without sitting down.
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