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  Unlike grandpa Billy Graham, he's nonreligious, yet religious
Parent(s) Candidate 
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Mar 30, 2005 10:33am
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MediaNewspaper - Miami Herald
News DateWednesday, March 30, 2005 04:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIn the board room of an office building off Fort Lauderdale's Commercial Boulevard, seven men in crisp button-down shirts, khakis and loafers sit around a mahogany table littered with study Bibles and coffee mugs.

Pastor Stephan Tchividjian is leading the group of contractors, distributors, CEOs and financial advisors in a conversation about the Book of James, but talk quickly turns to wives, work, hair loss and the difficulties of emulating Christ. A contractor confesses to treating his wife like a subcontractor; the financier says he feels guilty for ordering his wife to describe her day in ''25 words or less;'' and several admit to struggling with their tempers.

Tchividjian is sympathetic.

''It's not like hitting the Christian lotto and you wake up one day and you're Super Christian,'' he tells them. ``It's day in, day out.''

Tchividjian, an associate pastor at Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale and the oldest of evangelist Billy Graham's 19 grandchildren, has a peculiar way of casting his faith.

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