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  Hiding DeLay votes shameful
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Last EditedEric  Dec 07, 2004 09:05pm
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News DateThursday, December 2, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThis week Minnesota citizens held two of our elected representatives’ feet to the fire. Congressmen Mark Kennedy (R-St. Cloud) and John Kline (R-Burnsville) had their offices picketed on Tuesday at noon by citizens demanding to know how each voted with regard to changing House rules so that Congressman Tom DeLay (R-Texas) can stay on as Republican leader, even if he is indicted for a crime.
Interestingly enough, there is good reason to believe Kennedy and Kline voted to give DeLay a break. After all, each got fat $10,000 soft money presents from a DeLay PAC during their 2004 campaigns. Requests for the return of the money after the DeLay’s PAC friend was indicted were met with refusals by Kline and Kennedy.
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