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  Libertarian pioneer endorses Bush
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Oct 27, 2004 03:45pm
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News DateWednesday, October 27, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe first Libertarian Party candidate for president, who ran for the nation's highest office in 1972, has issued an open letter to fellow party members urging them to vote for President Bush on Tuesday.

Besides running for the White House, Dr. John Hospers wrote what he calls the first full-length book on the libertarian philosophy, "Libertarianism." He also wrote the party's Statement of Principles at the first Libertarian national convention in 1972.

"I still believe in those principles as strongly as ever, but this year – more than any year since the establishment of the Libertarian Party – I have major concerns about the choices open to us as voting Americans," he wrote in his letter.

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