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  [Rep. Inslee:] Bush no friend of the environment
Parent(s) Candidate 
Last EditedRalphie  Oct 05, 2004 08:00am
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CategoryOp-Ed by Candidate
MediaNewspaper - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
News DateTuesday, October 5, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionUntil recently, the environment has always been a bipartisan issue here. Many Washington Republicans such as Dan Evans and Ralph Munro are known as great environmentalists. Unfortunately, GOP President Theodore Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave due to the Bush administration's assault on Washington state's environment.

Since taking office President Bush has conducted a shock and awe campaign on the Pacific Northwest environment. His administration has destroyed environmental protections that enjoy great public support and crushed carefully laid plans to preserve our natural surroundings.

In light of the Bush-Cheney campaign's anointment of Bush as a "champion of the environment" ("Bush Respects and Preserves Park Land," Sept. 28), it is fitting we consider this brief reminder of the environmental attacks:

Forgetting our national parks. Quite contrary to the laughable claims made by Marc Racicot, chairman of the Bush-Cheney campaign, the administration is not taking care of our national parks. Our National Park Service has a $600 million operating deficit and a growing maintenance backlog of up to $6 billion. This funding lack has caused a loss in needed park employees; Olympic National Park is down to one permanent park ranger for the entire park.

There is no greater contrast between the aspirants to the White House this year than there is on the environment. John Kerry is resolute and straightforward on the environment, and has sincerely worked to protect it throughout his entire career. He has one of the highest, if not the highest, career voting records on the environment in the Senate. We could not do better for our local environment.

Many people hope Bush will have an epiphany and change his ways but his record on the environment is the worst of any president in American history, and we cannot take that terrible gamble.
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