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  Namibia's president prepares for a quieter life as he turns 75
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Last Edited411 Name Removed  May 12, 2004 03:35pm
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MediaTV News - British Broadcasting Corporation BBC News
News DateWednesday, May 12, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionAt 75, Namibia's "Father of the Nation" shows hardly any visible sign of ageing.

This is probably thanks to his rigorous one-and-a-half hour exercise routine that starts at cock's crow every morning, followed by a healthy breakfast and a hard day at the office.

Namibia's citizens have come to respect President Sam Nujoma.

They see him sometimes with a spring in his step and jovial smile; at other times, with a raised finger and fierce eyes behind thick-rimmed spectacles.
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