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City Government
   Mayor  Elizabeth B. Kautz 6 24 +23.44%
City Council
  City Council At-Large  Dan Kealey 3 22 +1.43%
   Vince Workman 0 22 +7.43%
  City Council At-Large  Dan Gustafson 3 24 +1.56%
   Cara Schulz 0 24 +35.09%

Parents > United States > Minnesota > MN Counties > Dakota  
Established January 01, 1964
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP November 06, 2021 09:09pm
Description Burnsville was a rural, primarily Irish, farming community which has grown from 2,700 people in 1960 to become the tenth largest city in the state with a population of over 60,220 people. Our goal is to provide quality services and amenities for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Burnsville is home to a regional mall comprised of 1.2 million square feet, more than 3,300 acres of parks and wildlife refuge lands, a variety of recreational opportunities including a major ski resort, over 2,200 businesses, and many fine lodging and dining facilities. We are fifteen minutes or less from the Minnesota Zoological Gardens, Valleyfair Amusement Park, Mystic Lake Casino, the Renaissance Festival, and the Mall of America. Burnsville is conveniently close to both Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Burnsville has one Mayor, and four City Council Members who serve four-year terms. The terms are staggered so that two Council members elected every two years, and the Mayor is elected every four years during the General Election. All City of Burnsville elected officials serve the community at-large.


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Pty Amount % Yr Chg As Of Contributor
N 38,204 100.00% +0.80% Nov 05, 2024 Juan Croniqueur

Demographic Amount % As Of Contributor
Population 64,317 100.00% Apr 01, 2020 RP