Affiliation | National |
Name | Stuart William Copeland |
Address | , Queensland , Australia |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
January 19, 1968
(57 years)
Contributor | User 215 |
Last Modifed | User 215 May 29, 2005 09:49am |
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Info | Parliamentary Service
Member, Estimates Committee E, 2004. Shadow Minister for Health from 8 March 2004. Member, Estimates Committee C, 2003. Shadow Minister for Education, Shadow Minister for Youth and Shadow Minister for Multicultural Policy 9 February 2003 - 8 March 2004. Shadow Cabinet Secretary from 9 February 2003. Member, Estimates Committee D, 2002. Shadow Minister for Families, Shadow Minister for Disability Services, Shadow Minister for Youth a nd Shadow Minister for the Arts 12 March 2001 - 9 February 2003. Secretary, Parliamentary National Party from 2 March 2001. Member, Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee from 1 January 2002. Member, Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee 3 May 2001 - 31 December 2001. Member, Estimates Committee G, 2001.
Shadow Ministerial Legislative Committee Membership
Trade; Multicultural Policy; State Development; Small Business; Transport and Main Roads; Aboriginal and Islander Policy; Attorney General; Justice; Innovation, Information Technology, and Rural Technology; Fair Trading; Education; Employment and Training; Sport; Emergency Services; Public Works and Housing; Primary Industry and Forestry; Northern Development; Natural Resources and Mines; Police and Corrective Services; Local Government and Planning; Regional and Rural Communities; Racing; Environment and Heritage; Industrial Relations; Health; Tourism; and Women's Policy (from March 2001).
Party Activity
State President Queensland Young Nationals 1997/1998; Vice President Federal Young Nationals 1997/1998; Member State Management Committee 1996-1998; Delegate to Central Council since 1995; Delegate to State Conference since 1995; Member Policy Standing Committee since 1996; Member Youth Affairs, Transport, and Mines and Energy Policy Committees; Delegate to Federal Conference and Council; National Party Delegate Australian Political Exchange Council study tour to USA 1997; Various positions in young National and National Party Branches, Electorate Councils, and Divisional Councils; Member of various committees.
Born Taroom Queensland, 19 January 1968. Married. Prior to election Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland. Formerly employed in the Petroleum industry. Member, Toowoomba Golf Club; Rotary Club of Toowoomba; Historic Racing Car Club of Queensland; and University of Southern Queensland Corporate Club. Former member of the Queensland Festival of the Horse Executive Committee and Board; and Task Force 2000 (Olympic activity organising committee). RASQ representative on the Toowoomba & Golden West Tourism Authority; Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce; Darling Downs Sub Chamber of Show Societies; and Queensland Large Show Societies Group. Interests include sport (particularly golf), swimming, tennis, waterski-ing, travel, reading, historic cars and theatre.
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