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  Lore, Ludwig
NameLudwig Lore
Address1647 Ocean Pkwy
Brooklyn, New York , United States
Born June 26, 1875
DiedJuly 08, 1942 (67 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Jan 28, 2025 03:17am
Tags German - Industrial Workers of the World -
InfoBorn in Friedeberg am Quast in Upper Silesia. He graduated from Berlin University, where he was a pupil of Sombart.

He joined the staff of the New Yorker Volkszeitung when he came to New York in 1905 and became its editor-in-chief during the World War. Lore opposed Wilson’s war declaration and refused to let his paper carry advertisements for Liberty Bonds – the only German-language paper to take that stand.

After the First World War, Lore condemned the Versailles treaty as laying the groundwork for future conflicts and deplored this country’s lack of active interest in the League of Nations.

In 1920 Lore published "Class Struggle" and was one of the framers of the Communist Party’s platform. He was one of the first Eastern radicals to surrender voluntarily in Chicago on an indictment for violation of the Illinois Solidarity Act. Together with William Bross Lloyd and eighteen others he was found guilty of conspiracy to overthrow the government by force and was sentenced to a prison term.

He left the Volkszeitung in 1931 to become a free lance writer and lecturer. He joined the New York Post editorial staff in 1934. Lore became well-known for his “Behind the Cables” column in the Post, in which he stated his anti-Nazi views. Lore left the Post in early 1942 when he took over a special government assignment.

Lore left a widow, the former Lily Schneppe, whom he married in 1909; and three sons: Karl, a writer known under the pen name of Leonard Calton; Kurt, a corporal, serving the United States Army overseas; and Eugene, a student pilot instructor.

Obituary in New York Times 7/9/1942


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Wife Lilly Lore 00, 0000-Jul 08, 1942

  11/04/1924 NY District 14 Lost 0.79% (-43.26%)
  11/06/1917 NY Assembly - Kings 20 Lost 18.69% (-27.90%)
  11/07/1916 NY District 09 Lost 6.24% (-50.76%)
  11/02/1915 NY Assembly - Kings 07 Lost 2.62% (-61.94%)