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  Amedori, Carmen M.
<-  2010-01-01  
NameCarmen M. Amedori
Address690 Tram Way
Westminster, Maryland , United States
Website [Link]
Born November 25, 1955
DiedJune 02, 2024 (68 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Jun 11, 2024 09:21am
Tags Divorced - Married - Catholic -
InfoCarmen Amedori was elected twice to represent the people of Carroll County in the Maryland House of Delegates. She served from 1999 until June 30, 2004 on the Judiciary Committee. Carmen was quickly recognized for leadership skills and was elected Deputy Minority Whip in 2002 and the following year she was chosen Assistant Minority Leader. During her tenure in the House, Carmen consistently voted in favor of tougher crime measures, rights for individuals to defend and protect property, tort reform, Second Amendment rights, school choice initiatives and pro-life legislation. She earned a reputation of being a fiscal watchdog and a strong advocate for the taxpayer.

In 2004, Carmen was appointed to the Maryland Parole Commission by Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. where she served until December 2009.

Carmen’s other public sector success includes leading the 1998 special election fight in Carroll County to defeat a Charter government referendum.

Before being elected to office, Carmen worked as a paralegal in several Baltimore area law offices. Combining her legal knowledge and her talent for writing, she became a journalist working for The Baltimore Sun and the Carroll County Times. During her tenure at the newspapers, Carmen was the recipient of several writing awards.

On the personal side Carmen Amedori was born in Baltimore City and was raised in Govans until her family moved to Reisterstown when she was 15. Over the past 30 years she has called Carroll County her home. Carmen has many stories to tell of her youth growing up in the city during the Civil Right’s movement of the 60’s where she was an activist, even then. Carmen earned her degree from Stevenson University (Villa Julie College).

Most importantly, Carmen is the proud mother of two adult daughters, Nicole, 30 and Kara, 27. She is a parishioner of St. John’s Catholic Church in Westminster. When she is not “righting wrongs” she has a passion for photography, swimming and hiking.




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